Friday 15 April 2016

Signs of a Problem Roof

To protect and maintain the structural integrity of your home, along with staying warm and dry, it’s important to address any roofing issues early before they get out of hand. Here are some of the more common problems to keep an eye out for, especially as your roof gets older.

Spotting Issues From the Attic

If you see sunlight in the attic, that’s not definitely a good sign, because if light can get in so can:
• Snow
• Cold air
• Rain
Also monitor the attic for water stains. If you do start to find some, keep an eye on them over the next few times it rains to see if they grow. If they do, it means, of course, the leaks are active.

Curling Shingles

If the edges of your shingles are curling upwards, called cupping, or if the edges stay flat but the middles are raising up, called clawing, those are sure signs of weathering and could domino into having other problems.

Unless your asphalt shingle roof is new, if you start finding granules in the gutter and your roof is over 10 years old, that’s not a good sign because the granules protect the roof. Once those begin to drop off, the shingles start baking, causing the roof to deteriorate faster.

Visit this website to learn more about the different indicators as to when it’s time to replace your roof and to discuss roof replacement in Portland.

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